Author name: admin

Best and Easy way to change your Name, Change of name Newspaper Advertisement

How To Change your Name Legally in India For Change of name / Name correction first step is to prepare and have notarized affidavit on stamp paper which proclaims your intention to alter your name. After you will need to advertise your decision to rename in one or two local newspapers according the requirement of Department/authority …

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10 Secret Ways How Digital Marketing is adding value to Business

Digital Marketing धीरे-धीरे Small to Large Scale Businesses के बीच Popularity Gain करता जा रहा है। Businesses को ये पता लग गया है कि दुनिया में Internet Use करने वालों की संख्या लगातार बढ़ रही है, इसलिए अब लोगों को Target करना आसान हो गया है।   इसके साथ ही हम ये भी देख रहे …

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